AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ is a LIVE, 100%GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC, 10-STRAIN, AVIAN Probiotic Blend combined with 14 RAW, 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC Essential Enzymes and Amino Acids. The 10 strains of avian-specific probiotics are guaranteed to total over 5 billion C.F.U.'s per gram at the time of shipping containing no additives, preservatives, fillers, synthetic vitamins, minerals, artificial colorings, or flavorings!
AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ the 14 RAW, 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC Essential Enzymes and Amino Acids work in collaboration with the 10 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC AVIAN Probiotic Strains that work together to best break down most all the proteins, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and other nutrients in the foods fed so that the digestive system may best absorb them in the most efficient manner possible to rapidly build a strong immune system!
AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ is a Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Corn-Free, Soy-Free, Egg-Free, Sugar-Free, Yeast-Free, Allergen-Free, Preservative-Free, Arsenic-Free, Artificial-Coloring-Free, Additional Sugar-Free, FOS-Free, Spirulina & Kelp-Free & GMO-Free, probiotic blend.
AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ is the most potent Probiotic/Enzyme/Amino Acid/Prebiotic Blend on the market for ALL BIRDS that works and works super-fast to get your birds on the road to great health and on to enjoy a long, happy productive life!
AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ is the only Avian Probiotic Blend that works and works fast because it is the most potent and effective 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC, multi-strain, Avian Probiotic, Enzyme, Amino Acid, Prebiotic on the market on the market today!
What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are compounds that are comprised of naturally occurring intestinal bacteria. They can reduce the proliferation of infectious, pathogenic gut bacteria. There is a process called competitive exclusion whereby "good" bacteria (probiotics) out-compete potentially harmful organisms in the gut.
Are Probiotics necessary?
Let me ask you a question now: How does stress affect you? Stress causes indigestion, making us feel bloated or out-of-sorts. Stress also weakens the immune system, reducing our ability to resist infections. Stressed birds experience similar problems, only worse.
When healthy, the digestive system of birds is much like ours in that they both perform the same functions. They absorb nutrients & antioxidants, and by competitive exclusion, protect against harmful microorganisms & pathogens.
Any bird taken out of its natural environment experiences various degrees of stress. Whether a bird is kept alone or with other birds, sooner or later, it will become stressed. Birds experience huge amounts of stress when they must compete with other birds for space, food, water, or a mate. The breeding season is probably the most stressful time during a bird’s life in the wild but even more so while in captivity. Birds, including chickens, poultry, gamebirds, and pigeons are more susceptible to the effects of stress in shorter periods than any other animal, pets included.
Stress upsets the balance of "good", or "friendly" bacteria in the intestinal tracts of birds. This upset allows pathogenic (harmful) bacteria to multiply causing diarrhea, "pasted-up" vents, weight loss, "going light" and a variety of other problems. Their immune-deficient systems make them easy targets for diseases caused by microorganisms such as "bad" bacteria and viruses.
What is the safest, most natural way to counteract the effects of stress?
The answer is to quickly put avian-specific, beneficial bacteria in sufficient quantities in the gut to work in the bird's intestinal tract BY SPRINKLING IT ON OR IN THEIR FOOD DAILY.
The answer is AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ the LIVE, 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC 10-Strain, Avian-Specific, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Corn-Free, Soy-Free, Egg-Free, Sugar-Free, Yeast-Free, Spirulina & Kelp-Free, Arsenic-Free, Preservative-Free, Additional Sugar-Free, FOS-Free & Allergen-Free Probiotic and RAW, 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC Essential Enzyme Amino Acid Blend in a 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC Tapioca Maltodextrin Prebiotic Carrier with a guaranteed total of over 5 billion C.F.U.'s Per Gram at time of shipping that really works & works fast!
It is a safe and beneficial product that utilizes species-specific "friendly" hypoallergenic bacteria that are the most stomach and bile acid-resistant on the market, which ensures that the 10 strains of targeted probiotics will more rapidly optimize their colonization in the gastrointestinal tract to quickly allow ALL birds to get back on track to building a healthy, strong immune system and have happy, productive and long lives!
AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ offers aviculturists, veterinarians, pet owners, animal & pet rescue facility managers, and zoo curators the finest Probiotic Blend on the market with guaranteed bacterial counts of well over 5 Billion living microorganisms for the avian intestine per gram at the time of shipping.
AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ is more potent and more effective than ANY other avian probiotic product available on the market to date & is produced without fillers or harmful ingredients of any kind, ever!
AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ is produced using proven, live, 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC, field-tested avian-specific microorganisms that have been shown to pass through the acids of the esophagus and stomach in sufficient quantities to implant on the villi of the intestinal tract in all birds!
LIVE, 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnoses, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus salivarius for a guaranteed total of 5 billion C.F.U.'s (Colony Forming Units) Per Gram. This combined potent formula is blended just right with 14 RAW 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC Essential Enzymes & Amino Acids Sourced From an Organic Sprout Blend consisting of: Amylase, Proteases, Lactase, Bromelain, Phytase, Hemicellulose, Papain, Diastase, Invertase, Organic Amaranth Sprout, Organic Quinoa Sprout, Organic Millet Sprout, Organic Buckwheat Sprout, Organic Garbanzo Bean Sprout, Organic Pumpkin Seed Sprout, Organic Chia Seed Sprout, Organic Flax Seed Sprout, Organic Lentil Sprout, Organic Adzuki Bean Sprout, Organic Sunflower Seed Sprout, Also contains: Rice Bran Solubles, Oat Grass, Wheat Grass, Alfalfa Grass, Quinoa, Millet, Buckwheat, Garbanzo Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Flax Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Adzuki Beans, Acerola Cherry Extract, Beet, Carrot, Broccoli, Cucumber, Tomato, Kale, Spinach, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Parsley, Asparagus, Alfalfa, Brussels Sprouts, Bell Pepper, Garlic, Ginger in a 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC Tapioca Maltodextrin as a Prebiotic/Carrier for a potency of well over 5 billion CFU’s of live, microorganisms per gram at time of purchase.
AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ has a 3-year shelf life if stored in a refrigerator (strongly recommended and encouraged) and a 1-year shelf life at normal room temperature.
AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ when only the best will do!
Enzymes and Probiotics: Partners in Digestion
Enzymes and Probiotics
A fully functional digestive system is an incredible feat of nature. From mouth to colon, the food we eat must travel through nearly 30 feet of the digestive tract of humans, a process that can take more than 24 hours!
In birds, by design, their digestive system is much, much shorter, and thus stress in captivity can seriously be a cause of rapid infection of digestive and respiratory illnesses.
Like a perfectly balanced recipe, several digestive “ingredients” work together throughout this process to help our body break down and absorb nutrients from food as it makes the digestive journey far more beneficial.
So, how do you make sure your body or your bird or companion pet's body has everything it needs to process all the healthy food you eat?
Two of the most important ingredients for healthy digestion are digestive enzymes and probiotics.
What are Digestive Enzymes?
Digestive enzymes are proteins produced in the body that split up food molecules into their smaller building blocks for easy absorption into your bloodstream, where they can nourish your entire body. Different types of enzymes break down the various foods that travel through your and your bird and companion pets' GI. tract.
Digestive enzymes fall into three main categories:
Protease breaks down protein into peptides and amino acids.
Amylase converts starch into simple sugars that your body can absorb.
Lipase breaks down the fats in foods for optimal absorption.
Did you know that proper digestion begins with chewing your food? It's the same in companion pets. In birds, the digestive tract is where it all begins. Enzymes are produced in the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, liver, and small intestine to digest your food during its entire passage through the digestive tract. Amylase and lingual lipase, enzymes present in saliva, begin to break down starches and fat as soon as you start chewing, preparing them for the long trek through your body.
When your system is low on digestive enzymes, it can have a hard time breaking down certain foods. Because our body’s enzyme production may decline with age—and because of environmental pollution, genetics, and processed foods in our diet—researchers are finding that supplemental enzymes may help with many digestion-related complaints and health issues in us, our birds, and companion pets.
In one study, researchers gave volunteers with common digestive problems either an enzyme blend or a commonly prescribed medication. After five days, the enzymes provided equal or better relief than the medication, without the alarming side effects.
Having the right makeup of enzymes is crucial for optimal digestion, but having the right microbes deep within your gut and the gut of your birds and companion pets is equally as important.
Better Digestion with Probiotics
Probiotics are the beneficial microbes that form part of the human, bird, and companion pet microbiome all the microscopic organisms living on and in your and their body.
The good guys (comprising 85% of a balanced microbiome) play a tremendous role in keeping you and them healthy, from regulating your and their immune system and balancing your and their blood sugar to helping you all maintain your weight and influencing your mood as well as neurological and physiological good health.
When it comes to digestion, though, probiotics are your body’s tiny superheroes! Not only do beneficial bacteria work to crowd out harmful microorganisms that could be in your food, but in collaboration with essential enzymes and amino acids, they together are key players in the entire digestion process. It's the very same with birds and all companion pets.
Remember how digestion starts in the mouth? Well, as the food you chew and swallow makes its way into the intestine (where your gut microbes live), the good guys continue to break it down into smaller components that your body can absorb.
Probiotics even produce their own enzymes, enabling you to digest your food more thoroughly.
Probiotics ensure ALL BIRDS IN CAPTIVITY that they have the ability to increase the quality of the receptors in their brain to ensure a healthy neurological system that is essentially required to prevent that nasty and preventable habit of self-mutilation practice of picking out its own feathers in search of the proteins their receptors tell them that they're lacking!
Furthermore, probiotics improve your overall nutrient absorption, helping you absorb all the valuable proteins, antioxidants vitamins, and minerals you, your birds, and companion pets need to stay healthy and live longer, more productive lives.
Eat Raw: Raw, unprocessed plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts are excellent sources of enzymes. Cooking destroys the natural enzymes in foods, so go raw as frequently as possible for enhanced digestion.
Supplement with Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes: Due to our modern lifestyles, even the healthiest eater may not be able to consume enough probiotics and enzymes through diet alone.
Many factors—such as stress, processed foods, medications, and antibiotics in food and medicine—can deplete the good bacteria in our body and cause our enzyme production to take a dive. This is why the best health experts recommend supplementing with digestive enzymes and a high-quality probiotic. Your main and ultimate reason for using Avi-Culture-2-PLUS is to build a strong immune system for ALL BIRDS IN CAPTIVITY!
For birds, the best single supplement on the market is AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ which is a LIVE, 10 multi-strain, 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC, AVIAN probiotic with 14 RAW, 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC essential enzymes and amino acids in a 100% GMO-FREE, 100% ORGANIC Tapioca Maltodextrin Prebiotic Carrier formula specifically designed to give your birds the microbes they need for optimal digestion (5 billion C.F.U's per gram). Do your homework on the ingredients, fillers, and unnecessary additives in all the other brands of probiotics for birds on the market and you will find that they are sorely lacking in potency which results in an ineffective supplement that is as useless as flushing money down the toilet!
As with humans, food gives us and our avian and companion pets the energy needed to live our healthiest days, but we and they must be able to digest and absorb the nutrients to benefit.
The same applies even more so in all birds because of their super-short digestive system. If any components of the digestive process are missing or out of balance, we and they can experience temporary issues such as bloating, constipation, gas, or cramps and even infectious of illnesses because of stress and a compromised immune system.
Eating healthy, whole raw foods along with taking supplemental probiotics and digestive enzymes can enhance your and your bird's digestion and give you and them the energy you all need to truly enjoy and appreciate each and every day!
I hope this article has been of help to you in creating an understanding of why the most important supplement anybody needs is a high-quality, probiotic blend for a long, healthy life. It is especially important for the health, productivity, and longevity of all birds in captivity!
Any questions do not hesitate to e-mail or call.
If not, I suggest you order AVI-CULTURE-2-PLUS™ without delay!