This page is designed to help Gloster Fancy Canary aficionados and all bird lovers out there see just one example of why the administration of Avi-Culture-2-PLUS avian probiotic supplement daily will help them achieve the successes that I, Donald Perez have experienced in my personal quest to raise the best examples of the breed known as the Gloster Canary not just once but year after year! The 1980s were the decade of The House of Crests Champions!
Below are some examples of my winning Glosters in a short history of my well-known Glosters back in the 80’s up to today. I no longer breed for competition and have not shown Glosters or even Yorkshire Canaries, which I'd won numerous events with, for quite some time. The purpose of this page is to show everyone the path to creating the best regardless of the breed they may keep. It begins with the understanding that the daily administration of the best in supplements along with the finest diet possible and the application of the correct use of genetic theories. What is also required is the knowledge of the standards of perfection for the breed you want to succeed with. Following the above tips will indeed result in one creating healthy, productive, consistent champions. The same applies for those of you avian aficionados who keep birds and/or breed birds, regardless of the type or species for your own pleasure and enjoyment.
Of course, if you want to breed to raise the best in the shortest time possible, it goes without saying that you also need the very best foundation stock.
Simply call or text me so that I may help direct you in your "quest to raise the best."
Donald Perez, e-mail: birdmanofillinois@msn.com or phone: 630-664-4649
The above photo is of my good friend, Fr. Greg Sakowicz, the Rector at Holy Name Cathedral located in downtown Chicago. He is standing with me in The House of Crests bird room just before the 2019 breeding season.
The above video is of my good friend, Fr. Greg in the House of Crests/God Squad Room with a 49-day-old, tame Gloster Canary that I raised and trained. This video was recorded on June 17, 2023, by yours truly, Donald Perez. It's best to click on the center of this video twice to view it in full screen mode and click on the small speaker on the lower left to turn on the volume.
Everyone asks me year after year; "Don, how do you give your Glosters the winning edge on the showbench"? Well, my friends, the photo of this Champion Gloster as a youngster in 1984 and again as a flighted hen in 1985, won the prestigious Kellogg Trophy at our National Cage Bird Show and further, was the mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother to yet more Champion Glosters supports my belief that developing a top genetic line in the shortest time is indeed possible!
I believe that one must start with the best foundation stock possible after studying the breed's standard of perfection. Next, one needs an understanding of the importance of administering the finest in dietary supplements and foods. That is followed by providing the best, stress-free living conditions beginning with high-quality breeding cages and a draft-free environment. Lastly, the correct application of genetic theories and feather matchings of the cock and hen in each pairing. Once these items are applied, you too can have the winning edge on the showbench not once, but consistently!